• Sowing Seeds of Creativity: The Seed Packet Artathon

    Sarah Grace Hooper
    John 'Josimo' Paterson
    Mariana Cheniaux
    Caroline Andrieu
    Tereza Životská

    Starting in 2023, we collaborated with Farrago on a vibrant celebration of creativity and botanical art. A project that invited artists from all backgrounds to participate in an "artathon" competition.

    Farrago are a London-based artistic community providing creatives with the tools necessary to ignite their careers through events and much more. Working together, we posed the challenge to create a unique piece of art inspired by the evocative phrase, "a seed contains the promise of a thousand forests." This theme, rich in metaphor and meaning, encouraged artists to explore the boundless potential and beauty encapsulated within a single seed.

    The competition received an overwhelming response, with submissions pouring in from talented artists worldwide. Each entry was a testament to the diverse ways in which botanical art can be interpreted and appreciated. From intricate illustrations capturing the delicate details of plant life to abstract representations embodying the essence of growth and potential, the artworks showcased a stunning array of styles and perspectives. Illustrators, poets, musicians, photographers, painters, they were all there.
    After careful deliberation, five winners were chosen, each receiving the opportunity to carry out a paid commission to create a limited edition design for one variety in our range of seeds. Chosen at random and planted together with the Farrago and Sowvital teams, the process not only highlighted the artists' skills but also allowed them to explore the intimate connection between the artist and the plant world as their seeds grew.

    The final designs are a celebration of botanical art in its many forms. Each piece, unique in its execution, yet harmoniously tied together by the common theme of growth and potential. five artists, five seeds, five completely different approaches. Five visionary artists allowing their passion and creativity to flow without bounds.
    Sowvital has always been dedicated to pushing the boundaries of plant world creativity. Working alongside Farrago to weave this ethos into the competition, we not only provided a platform for artists to showcase their talents but also encouraged them to explore and experiment with botanical themes in innovative ways. The resulting seed packet designs are not just functional items; they are works of art that inspire and educate, reminding us of the beauty and promise inherent in every seed.

    This project has underscored the importance of botanical art in our understanding and appreciation of the natural world. Through the lens of art, the intricate and often overlooked details of plant life are brought to the forefront, allowing us to see and celebrate the extraordinary in the ordinary. While also celebrating the importance of the innate connection we humans have with the natural world, and how actively engaging with it can bring inspiration, joy, gratitude, and more.
    As the winning designs make their way into the hands of gardeners and plant enthusiasts, they carry with them a story of creativity, growth, and the unending potential of a single seed. Sowvital's commitment to fostering such creativity ensures that the promise of a thousand forests continues to inspire and flourish, one seed packet at a time.

    A huge, heartfelt thank you to all involved.
    Artist Details
    Sarah Grace Hooper -

    John 'Josimo' Paterson -

    Mariana Cheniaux -

    Caroline Andrieu -

    Tereza Životská -