Three green glass bottles side by side. The Aqua Leaf Cleanser, The House Plant Elixir, and the House Plant Spritz.
Three bottles of houseplant fertiliser sit amongst lush greenery on a stone ledge. The background is a soft gradient. The bottles are green glass with beige labels. The Aqua Leaf Cleanser, House Plant Elixir, and House Plant Spritz
Three bottles of houseplant fertiliser sit on wooden stairs, surrounded by potted houseplants. The plants are in terracotta pots and sun is beaming across the bottles. They are made of green glass with beige labels.
Three tall rectangular beige fedrigoni paper boxes for houseplant fertilisers sit on a wooden surface next to a plant. The paper is embossed with plant-like shapes, and have soft colour gradients on their lids.
Three green glass bottles side by side. The Aqua Leaf Cleanser, The House Plant Elixir, and the House Plant Spritz.
Three bottles of houseplant fertiliser sit amongst lush greenery on a stone ledge. The background is a soft gradient. The bottles are green glass with beige labels. The Aqua Leaf Cleanser, House Plant Elixir, and House Plant Spritz
Three bottles of houseplant fertiliser sit on wooden stairs, surrounded by potted houseplants. The plants are in terracotta pots and sun is beaming across the bottles. They are made of green glass with beige labels.
Three tall rectangular beige fedrigoni paper boxes for houseplant fertilisers sit on a wooden surface next to a plant. The paper is embossed with plant-like shapes, and have soft colour gradients on their lids.

Kit en trois étapes Sowvital

Nettoyant 200 ml, Élixir 100 ml, Spray 200 ml

12 Reviews


Faites passer votre routine d'entretien des plantes d'intérieur au niveau supérieur avec le kit exclusif en 3 étapes de Sowvital. Nettoyez, fertilisez et pulvérisez - vous aurez des plantes d'intérieur beaucoup plus saines.

Nettoyant : Aide à éliminer la poussière et la saleté de la surface des feuilles, améliore la brillance, retient l'humidité et stimule la croissance des plantes d'intérieur. Ce produit contient de l'essence d'Aomori Hiba, une huile ancienne du nord du Japon connue pour ses propriétés antimicrobiennes, ainsi que de l'huile de noix de coco.

Élixir : Des nutriments ultra-concentrés et scientifiquement formulés pour les plantes d'intérieur. Ce produit contient des macro et micronutriments actifs qui nourrissent le système métabolique de la plante et favorisent des feuilles plus saines et une meilleure résistance.

Spray : Ce produit contient un mélange unique de plantes et de nutriments puissants. Les ingrédients actifs élémentaires comprennent le manganèse, le zinc et le magnésium, qui pénètrent directement dans les systèmes métaboliques des plantes et voyagent par des voies organiques pour favoriser la formation de chlorophylle. 

✨ Profitez de la livraison gratuite lorsque vous achetez le kit en trois étapes

En savoir plus

Fabriqué en Angleterre
Vegan et non toxique
Formulé avec des ingrédients renouvelables
A heavily edited image of a collection of healthy flowers on an outdoor plant. There is a soft, pale blue filter on the image which is the only colour.

La philosophie de Sowvital a pour piliers la science, l’art et le rituel.

Tous nos produits de soin pour plantes sont certifiés vegan et non-testés sur les animaux. Nos engrais contiennent des ingrédients innovants issus de l’économie circulaire, réduisant considérablement leur empreinte carbone.

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Filter Reviews:
    25 Aug 2022
    Marine B.
    Italy Italy
    • Product Elixir

    I look forward seeing what’s next for this brand!

    This routine did wonders for my plants! My drama queen in chief Alocasia black velvet even gave me the honour of flourishing for the first time ever thanks to the elixir (you know how dramatic Alocasias can be…). A friend gave me a cut of Monstera and it became huge quite fast too. I think it also helped one of my Pileas to come back to life. Also, the cleanser is perfect: I don’t use tap water as I don’t want it to create white spots on the leaves but I felt really self conscious about using specific water or milk (my mom uses milk) for this purpose as I have quite a lot of plants. The cleanser really makes them shine. The products are also beautiful and sit well on my shelves next to my books: it’s handy because as I live in Paris city center I don’t really have space to store huge and **** plant food bags. To make it short this product is handy, effective and beautiful :)

    SOWVITAL Sowvital's Three Step Kit Review
    22 Jun 2022
    Samuel B.

    Highly recommend

    My house plants have almost doubled in size this Spring/Summer since using the elixir and spritz on them. Recommend for house plant lovers!

    18 Jun 2022

    Great present

    Bought this as a present for my sister, to go with a new house plant. She seems really happy and the plant is doing really well!