Sowvital's Cosmos Seeds. A rectangular fedrigoni paper box with a playful illustration of cosmos on the front. The background is beige.
Sowvital's Cosmos Seeds. A rectangular fedrigoni paper box with a playful illustration of cosmos on the front. The background is beige.

Cosmos Seeds


Seeds: Cosmos


Nurturing a plant from a humble seed into beautiful blooms is a rewarding experience.

These Cosmos seeds are delicate, yet vibrant, offering a continuous display of colour from summer to autumn.

Bloom brightest where you are planted.

A heavily edited image of a collection of healthy flowers on an outdoor plant. There is a soft, pale blue filter on the image which is the only colour.

Sowvital’s philosophy is built around science, art and rituals.

All of our formulations are animal free and vegan certified. We use pioneering circular economy ingredients in our fertiliser which significantly reduces its C02 footprint.